Monday, January 22, 2007

Snoring News

According to this article in the Australian Herald Sun women want a silent partner:

"Snoring! We often treat it as a joke, but for the long-suffering partners of snorers it's no joking matter... Some snorers clock in at 92 decibels, which is a noise similar to low-flying jet aircraft. "

No snoring solutions in the article unfortunately, but it's interesting that the report received a flood of responses showing how big a problem snoring is for a sleep-deprived partner.

Also on the theme of snoring and relationships, an article on asks if snoring is ruining your relationship.

"Snoring is a "big relationship divider," said Dr. Laura Berman, a relationship and sex therapist in Chicago. She said snoring creates frustration and resentment on both sides: the snorers, who can't help it, and those suffering next to them. "

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